Little Hints of Naughty

I get it.  You may reeeeaaaaallly want to try a boudoir photo shoot, for yourself or as a gift…but then, all the “what if” thoughts start.  What if someone else sees?  What if we break up?  What if someone from work recognizes me?  What if I’m just too shy?  And depending on your life/career, these concerns can vary in strength.  Don’t want so-and-so from marketing to be whispering about your sexy photos by the water cooler?  I hear you.

Guess what?  You can work around that!  I’m showing some samples of sensual images that range in identity…you don’t even have to take anything off, or even show your face, if you don’t want to.  It’s all about choice, and what you think will make you feel comfortable.


Let’s talk.  You tell me your concerns/boundaries, and we’ll work around that.

Book a Shoot With Liz

2 Year Blogiversary!

Well, well….here we are, two years later!  This one really flew for me.  It was a year of big change, as my husband and I moved to Seattle from NYC.  It’s definitely been a good change along with a big adjustment.  I’ve met amazing new faces, wrestled with pets to keep them out of every shot, continued on personal work, expanded the print shop by double, gotten up close and personal with nature, and generally enjoyed the beauty and culture of the Pacific Northwest.

I’ve also been doing a lot more drawing this year, and rediscovering watercolors, pastels, charcoals, and other wonderfully messy things.  Maybe I’ll start showing a little of that here as well.

Is there anything in particular you’d like to see more of from me?  And of course, if you’d like to set up your own photo shoot with me, please do so here:  Book a shoot with Liz

Thanks for hanging out with me here!



Dominance, Submission, Shiny

How do you know you have a cool mom?  The following conversation:

“Elizabeth, where did that slippery spot on the living room floor come from?”

“Um…I had a dominatrix standing on your fireplace and the slippery spot must be from the stuff that makes her catsuit shiny.  Oops.”

“Oh, ok, make sure you clean it up.”

“Yes Mom…”

I’ve shot many a person in the shiny gear, sometimes people in the lifestyle, sometimes people just exploring with the way it feels on camera.  Throw in my tendency to think of something ridiculous on the spot, and here’s a range….

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Vintage Glamour

I am one sleepy girl this week…but vintage style always cheers me up.  It’s fun to shoot…in the film days, I used to stain prints with tea and lightly burn the edges to get that look.  Um, away from all the chemicals of course!

I find vintage style to be a great way for first time subjects to play around with the concept of sexy.  It can range from just a hint of leg peeking out from a robe, to quite nude!  Up to you how you want to do it!

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Dogs Interrupting Photo Shoots!

Ok, a few entries back, it was all about the cats!  This time, here’s Bella the Boston Terrier wanting her close-up, thank you very much….

Not a fully edited shot since a different one was the winner for the client, but I was entertained by Bella, so here it is.  What you don’t see is me lying on the floor, trying to shoot upwards with Bella licking my face 🙂

Model Brittany, Makeup by Leah Stangas

Lingerie Shoots

Lingerie shoots are one of my most requested shoots.  Sometimes it’s as a gift to the models significant other, but more often than not, it’s just for her, to make her feel sexy and confident!  Curious?  Give it a try…you too, gentlemen!

One crazy story:  I was at a womans house as she wanted to surprise her husband with some pin up style lingerie photos.  She looked great, but was nervous, which is entirely normal at the beginning.  The moment she got the courage to ditch the robe?  Ding Dong!  It was the Jehova’s Witnesses.  She clutched her robe tight and explained that, thank you, she already has that book while I chased the dog, who of course managed to bolt the second she opened the door.  I’m happy to report that the shoot still went well after that!

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foxy_maiiah_by_lizzusev-dpns1u angie_by_lizzusev-d1g9ddw mercedes_pin_up_by_lizzusev-d2vgx25